Nov 162016

Chris PA2CHR and Jos PA3FYC have organized a DXpedition to Palestine E44.

So I had to fire up the eme station to get this rare one in the log. I first listened to see if they were active and if I could hear them. Due the fact I am busy with the HF station 2m moon bounce is a bit on the side at the moment. I turned the yagi in the right direction an started listening. I heard several stations of the moon and after I found out their calling frequency I could hear them every tx period. I went to the barn where the amps are and connected one of the bigger amps to the eme station. I fired the amp on and went back to the shack. Then I listened again and they were still there, I called and the next rx period they came back for me. I was surprised and happy at the same time because it was so busy.
