The magic band
In Ham Radio you can play around on several bands.
The band I do like the very most is 50 MHz. Almost everything is possible and it gives us every time lots of surprises.
That’s why the six meter fanatics call it the MAGIC BAND.
Summary of DXCC entities worked by PA1T on 6 meters
1A0 Sov. Mil. Order of Malta
3A Monaco
3C Equatorial Guinea
3V Tunisia
3X Guinea
4L Georgia
4X, 4Z Israel
5A Libya
5B Cyprus
5N-5O Nigeria
5R-5S Madagascar
5T Mauritania
5V Togo
5X Uganda
7P Lesotho
7Q Malawi
7T-7Y Algeria
8P Barbados
9A Croatia
9G Ghana
9H Malta
9I-9J Zambia
9K Kuwait
9L Sierra Leone
9M2, 4 West Malaysia
9M6, 8 East Malaysia
9Q-9T Zaire
9V Singapore
9Y-9Z Trinidad & Tobago
A2 Botswana
A4 Oman
A6 United Arab Emirates
A7 Qatar
BY,BT China
C3 Andorra
C5 The Gambia
C8-9 Mozambique
CN Morocco
CT Portugal
CT3 Madeira Is.
CU Azores
CV-CX Uruguay
D2-3 Angola
D4 Cape Verde
DA-DL Fed. Rep. of Germany
DU-DZ Philippines
E3 Eritrea
EA-EH Spain
EA6-EH6 Balearic Is.
EA8-EH8 Canary Is.
EA9-EH9 Ceuta
& Melilla EI-EJ Ireland
EK Armenia
EL Liberia
ER Moldovia
ES Estonia
ET Ethiopia
EU, EV, EW Belarus
EX Kyrgystan
EY Tajikistan
F France
FG Guadeloupe
FH Mayotte
FM Martinique
FP St. Pierre & Miquelon
FR Reunion
FY French Guiana
G, GX England
GD, GT Isle of Man
GI, GN Northern Ireland
GJ, GH Jersey
GM, GS Scotland
GU, GP Guernsey
GW, GC Wales
HA, HG Hungary
HB9 Switzerland
HB0 Liechtenstein
HC-HD Ecuador
HC8-HD8 Galapagos Is.
HH Haiti
HI Dominican Republic
HO-HP Panama
HV Vatican
HZ Saudi Arabia
I Italy
IS, IM Sardinia
J2 Djibouti
J3 Grenada
J5 Guinea-Bissau
J6 St. Lucia
J7 Dominica
JA-JS Japan
JW Svalbard
JX Jan Mayen
JY Jordan
K,W,N, AA-AK United States of America
KG4 Guantanamo Bay
KP2 Virgin Is.
KP4 Puerto Rico
LA-LN Norway
LO-LW Argentina
LX Luxembourg
LY Lithuania
LZ Bulgaria
OD Lebanon
OE Austria
OF-OI Finland
OH0 Aland Is.
OJ0 Market Reef
OK-OL Czech Republic
OK-OM Czechoslovakia
OM Slovak Republic
ON-OT Belgium
OX Greenland
OY Faroe Is.
OZ Denmark
P4 Aruba
PA-PI Netherlands
PJ2, 4, 9 Bonaire,Curacao (Neth. Anti
PJ5-8 St.Maarten,Saba,St.Eustatiu
PP-PY Brazil
PP0-PY0 Fernando de Noronha
PZ Suriname
R1MV Malyj Vysotskij
I. S0 Western Sahara
S5 Slovenia
SA-SM Sweden
SU Egypt
SV-SZ Greece
SV/A Mount Athos
SV5 Dodecanese
SV9 Crete
T7 San Marino
T9 Bosnia-Herzegovina
TA-TC Turkey
TF Iceland
TG, TD Guatemala
TI, TE Costa Rica
TK Corsica
TL Central Africa
TR Gabon
TT Chad
TU Cote d’Ivoire
TZ Mali
UA-UI1,3,4,6, European Russia
UA-UI8,9,0,RA Asiatic Russia
UA2 Kaliningrad
UJ-UM Uzbekistan
UN-UQ Kazakhstan
UR-UZ, EM-EO Ukraine
V2 Antigua & Barbuda
V4 St.Kitts & Nevis
V5 Namibia
VE, VO, VY Canada
VK Australia
VP2E Anguilla
VP5 Turks & Caicos Is.
VS6, VR2 Hong Kong
VU India
XA-XI Mexico
XT Burkina Faso
XU Cambodia
XW Laos
YB-YH Indonesia
YI Iraq
YL Latvia
YO-YR Romania
YS El Salvador
YT-YU, YZ Yugoslavia
YV-YY Venezuela
Z2 Zimbabwe
Z3 Macedonia
ZA Albania
ZB2 Gibraltar
ZC4 UK Sov. Base Areas on Cypru
ZD7 St. Helena
ZD8 Ascension I.
ZF Cayman Is.
ZR-ZU South Africa
ZS9 Walvis Bay
TOTAL: 182 DXCC entities