Station Master Deluxe


The Station Master Deluxe (SMD) is the big brother of the Stationmaster.
It controls my antennas, (also steppir), radios, amplifiers, band filters, tuners rotators, 4 squares and receive antennas. The controlling is done by U links that are connected via rs485 to the Stationmaster.
There is a 240×64 LCD and a lot of buttons to switch your antennas or turn your rotators. The programming possibilities and flexibility are enormous. You cannot name it in antenna switching or the black box can do it.
The support is outstanding! And that is necessary for such a complicated product.
The installation took me some time.  I had to build a box where the U links could be mounted in. I was lucky to had a box witch I found at my work and brought home. I stripped the box. As the U links have standard industrial sizes  I could click them in easily.
I mounted the box on the second floor where also the double ten switches are located.
Not only the building of the U link box took some time. Also the programming of the software took quite a bit of time. With help of the manual I have connected everything to the U links and to the Stationmaster’s ports. Sometimes with help of OM7ZZ if I could not find it or it was not clear to me.
The system is working now and is working very fine.
Both the radios’s have a own stationmaster. In the shack the stationmaster is switching the radio, (also reading his frequency) , the band pass filter and the amplifier. The rotators and the antennas are connected to the U links. Both radio’s can use all the available antenna’s and rotators. The Stationmaster knows witch rotor belongs to witch antenna (tower). If you select and antenna on one of the two stationmasters and turn the rotor knob at the stationmaster the correct rotor will turn. Of course there  are programmable presets. As there are presets for some directions.



Se here the process of building the box.


Stripping the box as I got it from Qrl.                                               Mounted the U links


Nearly ready                                                                   Is working but has to be made nicer looking.

 work in ProgressDSC00495








Transformar has to go out to make room for extra U links.    A more detailed look.

DSC00496  DSC00497






Stationmasters in the shack.


It is working as advertised. I am very happy with it!