Repaird two ham 4 rotators for 2 ham frineds.
Apr 252010
Repaird two ham 4 rotators for 2 ham frineds.
27-03-2010 | Peter PA4PS was here to bring the new monitor support arm witch he build for me. Now I am able to put equipment in front of me what is more ergonomic. |
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06-03-2010 | Hosted my station for the VHF UHF SHF contest with the PI4GN callsign. |
04-03-2010 | Thomas PA1M and Jan PA0VAJ where to repair an amplifier and to help setting up the station the VHF part of the contest. |
11-02-2010 | Set up station for the pacc contest this weekend. |
04-02-2010 | Connected the TS2000 (432-1296) and the FT1000mp (50mhz) to the Dx Doubler (so2r box) and N1MM |
03-02-2010 | Shipped my TS850 from Kenwood for repair. |
02-02-2010 | Finshed building a 4 meter transverter.
26-12-2009 | Boxed the Dx Engenering RBS-1RT transformer unit for witch was out in the rain .![]() |
25-12-2009 | Finished building the beverage switching unit designed by Carel PC5M. Harry Pe1OXP designed a circuit board. With this box I can switch my 8 relay antenna switch box where the beverage antenna’s are connected to. I can choose a beverage pushing a button. I do not like choosing a antenna turning a rotary switch. I like point ant shoot. ![]() |
06-12-2009 | Made instruction file how to run N1MM and morserenner together (see n1mm@morserunner) on this page |
05-12-2009 | Made two counter weights for my dipoles. |
29-11-2009 | Had fun in the CQWW CW contest. 1778 qso’s |
24-11-2009 | A small tree came down in a storm and fell on a guy wire of my R8. Cut the tree and the R8 survived the action. Repaired one of the multiband dipoles. |
22-11-2009 | Made 188 qso’s in the LZ dx contest. |
21-11-2009 | Made a sesond 40m dipole and mounted it in a tower. |
20-11-2009 | Due to the storm the 144mhz eme arry was elevated 10 degrees up. Brought it back to 0. |
18-11-2009 | Set up k9ay loop on a better locaton. |
06-11-2009 | Started to put up the beverages for the winter season. |
04-11-2009 | Build and set up a k9ay loop. Have to move it to a better location later. |