For the EME system I am using massive rods to guy the system. Due to vibrations this becomes loose all the time.
Changed this temporarily into rope wires now. Will order 4 iron guy wires.
Jan 092011
Jan 012011
A few weeks ago I had to remove the dipole for 80 and 160m because the neighbor had to clean the canals around the property. After a few weeks of snow and cold weather it was a nice day today so I decided to start the new year good en put the dipole back in service.
Also started cutting some branches that are coming to close at the EME array.
Dec 222010
I installed two of the four beverage antennas. This time I used glass fiber poles instead of wooden (bamboo) poles. The glass fiber poles are used in the the army where they where used to support camougflage nets.
Dec 212010
Dec 212010