Feb 112011

I am always struggling with the MK2R and the wave files for the Icom 7800.

This time I decided to see what causes the real problem and make it working so that it works again next week. After reading the manual I found out that there was the possibility to change  a few jumpers in the MK2R to get a preamp working. I decided to give it a try. The manual says older Icom radios needed the preamp  (I thought an 7800 is not so old). It worked out well. The wave files are playing like never before.

Today also put the latest firmware in my oldest Alpha 9500.

Feb 102011

After repairing the vertical and setting it up again it was now time to connect the tuning box to the vertical. After that I had to re-tune the box because the length off the vertical was changed a bit.

Then it was time to repair one off the two dipoles. One of them was broken in the middle and had to be repaired.  I also had to tune the new tuning box for the one off the two dipoles.

Jan 302011

In the morning I repaired the 160 and 80 meter vertical witch came down a few weeks ago. The most time was looking for the right size aluminum tube hi. After that I made new guy wires.  In the afternoon Thomas PA1M, Peter PA4PS and Nap PA1NG came to help to set the 27 meter vertical in vertical position.

Jan 272011

Jeff W2FU from Green Heron has send me an e-mail that there was a new release from his Green Heron rotator and Green Hereon anywhere software. I use the rotator software to control the RT21 rotator boxes.  I tested the new software and it is working fine.

Jan 092011

For the EME system I am using massive rods to guy the system. Due to vibrations this becomes loose all the time.
Changed this temporarily into rope wires now. Will order 4 iron guy wires.