This summer sporadic E season I want to be qrv on 70 Mhz. Therefore I bought an Icom IC-7300.
I have no antenna yet for the 70 MHz band and have to make a decision if I want a dual bander or a monoband yagi.
I removed my old home brew Stack Switch from tower 6 and mounted it at the bottom of tower 4 to switch all my 40m antennas.
In tower 6 I mounted a new Stack Switch from MicroHAM.
When I planned the 4 rotary HF towers in a square I had the idea that I would like to try to build a four squaere for 160m with the towers as radiator.
The towers are to short but with the capacitive head from the Yagi’s on top it should work fine.
I first tested an empty tower. Then I connected a coil at the bottom end tuned the tower to 1825 MHz very fast and easy. I also tuned the towers with an antenna at the top in the same way. Finaly I have tuned all the four towers. Now I know that I can realise this project.
To be continued.
We removed the SteppIR dipole for 40 meter from tower 6. This one will go to the 40 Meter tower. We also removed the 5 element Opdes yagi for maintenance.
On Sunday 22 September we lifted the 14 element C31XR on tower 6. The crew on the ground where: Jan PA0VAJ, Nap NA1NG, Thomas PA1M, and Peter PA4O. The crane I hired came from Drieborg.