Today I have set up the temporary vertical for 40m. In future the will be replaced by 4 verticals so I can switch directions (4 square). I have to seek for the right position for that. Fir now I need a good antenna for the PACCC contest. I put a few radials under it.
During the CQWW CW I was active at the station of Feike NL11083. We used the callsign PA4PS and were active in the Multi-Multi class.
The other hams were Peter PA4PS, Jan PA0VAJ, Thomas PA1M, Arjen PA7LV and Marten PA3BNT (short time).
The antennas we used where a 3 element yagi for 20 meter, a 4 element yagi for 15 meter and a 4 element yagi for 10 meter. For 40 and 80 meters we had a dipole and a vertical. For 160m only a vertical (lots of noise on this antenna). We had lots of fun and a nice score.
Today I have built the boxes with the relays for turning the towers and the box with the U links in the cabinet in the field.
Near the north west tower I installed two closets. In here I will mount the double ten switches from Microham and the switching relays for the four towers to let them turn left and right.
I got these nice boxes from a friendly ham who works at the local county. They were not used anymore and would be would be discarded.
I builded a cable box half way from the house (shack) to the towers. Now it is easier to get new cables to the shack and the field.