CQWW 2002
In 2001 we did compete in the worlds biggest contest the CQ World Wide SSB Contest. The callsign we used was PA9KT (former callsign). I spoke about the idea with Thomas PA3CEF (now PA1M) and John PE9DX who have both a lot of contest experience and they where immediately willing to join me. To complete the contest team I asked Andre PA5WX (now PC1T), Engel PE1ENG (now PH7A), Gerard PE1BBI and Eltje PA3CEE.
Station overview
Running station | Multiplier station | |
Transceivers | Yaesu FT1000mp + amplifier | Kenwood TS850S + amplifier |
10-15-20 meter | Force 12 c31xr Yagi (tower 1) | Fritzel FB33 (tower 3) |
40 meter | Cushcraft 40-2 CD yagi (tower 2) | dipole |
80 meter | 4 square and dipole | dipole |
160 meter | Titanex vertical V160e and dipole | dipole |
Some of the antennas from the the running station could be used also by the multiplier station.
Logging software
We used N1MM logger software in Multi-User mode (2 computers). (http://www.n1mm.com)
Pictures station and antennas
The complete site
Multiplier tower with 3el 10-15-20m yagis + 4 square for 80m and the v60s for 160, 80 and 40 meter
10, 15 and 20 meter yagi from Force 12 +7 el for 50 MHz

40m yagi +a3ws (WARC bands)
Johan PE9DX in action at the running station
Engel PE2ENG in action at the multiplier station
Eltje PA3CEE at the running station
Thomas PA3CEF at the multiplier station
A view of the shack.
The severe storm
On the second day of the contest there was a very big storm over Western Europe. It had a strenght up to 11 Beaufort. Below the sad results.
The 80 meter 4 square bend over.
The Titanex vertical came down… (1)
The Titanex vertical came down… (2)
The Versatower with the 40 meter beam came down…