Sep 282009
28-09-2009 The eme system co uld not elevate lower as 5 degrees.  Solved the problem..
26-09-2009 Put up a vertical antenne for the skimmer receiver.
24-09-2009 Finaly I got the skimmer to work from the outside world. There was problem in the router.
19-09-2009 Installed Wintelnetx from K1TTT and Skimscan from W3OA. CW skimmer is now running and the spots from cluster and skimmer are going to the bandmap of N1MM logger.

Left Wintelnetx.(K1TTT)  Middle Skimscan (W3OA)        Right  CW Skimmer. (VE3NEA)

18-09-2009 Serviced a rotator for a local ham.  Played with the new sdr iq radio.
14-09-2009 Build and set up a  K9AY loop. Have to move it to a better location later.
06-09-2009 144 MHz IARU contest using callsign PI4GN
05-09-2009 144 MHz IARU contest using callsign PI4GN

Johan PE9DX  busy in the contest.

The 4 clover leaves and the 4 Tonnas are on temperary towers.

Behind the tree at the right is the tower with the clover leaves.

04-09-2009 Thomas PA1M and Jan PA0VAJ came and we made the extra towers for the 144mhz contest ready so that we only had to put them straigt up on saturday
03-09-2009 With help from Jan PA0VAJ we got the 144 MHz pa running
01-09-2009 Busy with building a 144 MHz GS35 amplifier.
Aug 302009

30-08-2009      Went with Johan PE9DX to the Bentheim flea market and after that visted the contest dinner at PI4ZI.
24-08-2009     Painted the base of two of the tree crack up towers. Send out the club bulletins of our local radio club.
22-08-2009     Removed and replaced some older coax cables.
20-08-2009     Made some changes to the remote tuner for the first dipole.
18-08-2009     Ordered a SDR-IO sdr radio for the use with cw skimmer.
06-08-2009     I changed the bottum nylon insolator from the vertical.

Jul 312009

31-07-2009    I have found out that the swr of the 160-80m-40m vertical is going from 1.1 up till 1.9 and higher`
(only  on 160m)  if I run constant power. I discussed it with Jan PA0VAJ and Thomas PA1M.  Jan
came  with the idea that it could be the nylon busses between the vertical itself and the vertical
standers witch hold the vertical. We fired up the amplifier and the nylon busses became hot!
I removed the upper nylon bus and put in place a modified Titanex insulator.

10-07-2009   With help from Jeff w2fu from Green Heron I debugged my remote rotor control
03-07-2009   Prepare for the vhf uhf contest.  Put rotor control box on tight tabel etc see
02-07-2009   Put up the extra mast for the vhf contest with the four clover leaves

Jun 292009

29-06-2009   Mounted the last guy wire at the EME system.
26-09-2009   Ordered a cable for the microkeyer to my yaesu FT1000mp Mark5
25-06-2009   Bought a (second hand) microkeyer for my 50mhz station.
20-06-2009   Worked vp2mrt and 8r1db for two new dxcc on 50mhz
17-06-2009   Replaced dipole for 160m and 80m.  Worked tm5sn for a new dxcc on 50mhz
10-06-2009   Replaced the tx coax from the 50mhz yagis. Also changed mounting off coax to the tower.
09-06-2009   Build an SW20 qrp tranceiver (local club project)
04-06-2009   Installed the new coils in the tunimhg unit for the vertical and aligned 80m.
03-06-2009   Worked 4o3a for a new dxcc on 50mhz

01-06-2009   Today I renewed the radial system for the vertical.


I will ad some more radials.

I connected the radials to the copper ring.

I made a copper ring en connected it to the base plate.

Apr 302009

30-04-2009 Thomas PA1M and implementedand tested  some new hardware for the vhf conetest.

25-04-2009 Went with Thomas PA1M to a shortwave listener and helped him with repairing his antennas.
One antenne will be repaired here and put back later.

15-04-2009 Made four new cables to connect a 4 way divider 144mhz pa for pi4gn.

10-04-2009 Made the gying of the eme system stronger. Replaced the temperary ropes by  metel guys.

03-04-2009 Made auto tracking working with the Green Heron tracking program and the Green Heron rotor box (only azimuth)

02-03-2009 Worked  5Z4EME for new 144MHz DXCC

01-04-2009 connected the 144mhz pa to the new eme array. Wkd BX1AD for new dxcc on 144MHz EME.