On Sunday 22 September we lifted the 14 element C31XR on tower 6. The crew on the ground where: Jan PA0VAJ, Nap NA1NG, Thomas PA1M, and Peter PA4O. The crane I hired came from Drieborg.
The Mooobounce array was mounted on a 3 meter tower. This is high enough for moonbounce. The problem was that when mowing the lawn you always have to take care when you are driving around the tower. Second reason for the upgrade was that we are using the eme system also in terrestrial contests.
So I decided to upgrade the tower with a 3 meter tower section that I had still around from the building of the HF towers.
With help from Thomas PA1M I took the tower down. I took the head unit of and mounted the tower section. After that I mounted the head unit back to its position.
Now a challenging part was coming. Lifting the tower a bit so I could mount the yagis back to its position. I had mounted a winch on of my Versatowers to lift the tower. Peter PA4O had welded me a bench on which the tower could rest when I was working on it.
The winch would have to do a very hard job too put the tower on the bench so I had called a friend with a tractor to put it there.
The last part of the upgrade was to set the tower in the upright position.
Thomas PA1M came to help to mount the yagis on the tower.
The next day I mounted the couplers and connected all the cables.
I Looking for more info about this picture.
Whos has modified his SteppIR this way.
Pse email me pa1t@xs4all.nl
73 Timon