Was a active for a few housr in ARRL DX CW.
Made 368 qso’s.
Was a active for a few housr in ARRL DX CW.
Made 368 qso’s.
I have added pictures to the station master deluxe page on tis site.
Vasiliy K3IT has written a program witch makes it possible to record and replay your contest qso’s made with N1MM.
It is called Qsorecorder.
You will find it here http://hamradiomap.com/qsorder/
Make a directory on your pc and name it: Contesqso’s
Copy the qsorecording program there. In N1MM fill in the configurer at the the tap: files, recording qso
C:\Program Files\Contestqso’s
or at windows 7 C:|hamfiles|Contestqso.s
In the N1MM. ini file you have to ad:
Start the Qsorecorder program. Make a contact in N1mm. Wait a few seconds (20) and you will see at the qso recording program the call of the contact and the mp3 file.
To replay the contact go to N1MM, your log window, click with the right mouse on the qso and you will see play contact.
Today in the afternoon Jan PA0VAJ, Peter PA4PS and Thomas PA1M came to help me to take down the EME system. We cranked the mast down a little and then we took away the 2 antennas at one side. Then we cranked it up and turned the rotor 180 degrees, cranked it down again and took away the other two antennas. The only thing I have to do now is take away the H frame.