With the return of the winter here I thought it was a good idea to bring the pile of qslcards to an end. I labeled about 700 qso’s for PI4GN and 500 for my own callsign. There is a small pile of cards left. I will that the coming days.
Its is march so the VHF contest season has started. Pater PA4PS, Johan PE9DX and myself made 630 qso’s. The total distance was 224482 km with EA2DR/P in IN83FE (1352 km ) as best dx. We had no real problems. The only thing happene d was that the sound card of the pc would not play the WAV. files. I repaired that at night, so that we at the much slower sunday could use it.
Left Picture: Johan PE9DX at the controls. In April 2013 he will be active as 9G5EME with PA3CEE and PE!L
Right picture: the single 10 meter l0ng M2 yagi is used instead of the eme array. This yagi will move to one of the versatowers in near future.
Normally we are using the eme array for the vhf contest. But the array is not in use at this moment. The small tower is still there. Today I took one off the old 10m long 144mhz yagis from M2 that I still have in stock, put it together and mounted one in the small eme tower as system nr 4 for the contest. Peter PA4PS and Jan PA0VAJ were here to help erect the small mast..
Today I cranked on of the versatowers down and tilted it over. I replced a broken coax cable from 144mhz relay to the power coupler of the o f the two meter arrays.
I removed some other cables witch where broken and not in use any more.
The cable of the 23cm dish was one off them. So no 23cm for a while.
K3it has written a program that will record your contest qso’s when using N1MM.
You can find the program here.
follow the instructions.
make a dir Contest-qso’s in the ham files directory. Copy the program there.
In the N1MM configurer put Contest-qso’s at files at tab record
In N1MM.ini you have to add
The line [externalNroadcast] is mostly already there.
To test start qso recorder. Start N1MM. Make a qso.
Wait 30 seconds and in qso recorder you see a line.
Go to the logwindow in N1MM and with right mouse use play contact.