Finally the cadastral survey people where here. Now I now exact what the new borders from the new property are and now I can start to figure out the positions off the new towers.
Finally the cadastral survey people where here. Now I now exact what the new borders from the new property are and now I can start to figure out the positions off the new towers.
Last 2 meter contest we had some problems with the audio from the 144mhz pc. We could play our wav files after a while but the sound cards did not allow to record the contest with the ne separate program (qsorder) for N1mm. I put an other extra sound card (tks PA1M) in and now it is working fine.
I had a few trees who where going to be dead, (an expert told me) and one which blocked the 2 meter array in northern direction taken down by Nap PA1NG and a friend of Nap. Two wweks ago the did the first one but it was to windy then to do the other two.
Nap takes the wood home for his wood stove.
Today I sorted out the boxes Simo YT3M sended me. I put it in boxes so i can sort out easely the stuff I need when I assemble the tower parts together.
Flanges to be connected to the rings.
Flanges to be connected to the rings.
The tower sections for the four new towers any the guy wire posts build by Simo YT3M arrived today. Jan PA0VAJ, Hilco PC1CP, Peter PA4PS, and Nap PA1NG came to help to unload the truck.