
Feb 262015

Next weekend the VHF UHF SHF contest season is starting.
Before we can start I have to do some repairing and preparation.

Today I went to Jaap PA0T. One of my 1144 MHz preamps with a smd hempt fet in is broke. These smd fets are too small for me and Jaap would like to help. We were lucky. It was not the fet that was caused the problem but a loose contact. We also looked to one of the driver pa’s. It would not switch. It was repaired before and a switch transistor made bad contact. This was a easy repair but hard to find.

Feb 232015

This weekend was ARRL DX CW.  I had to go to qrl. So the only thing I have done is working a few stations. I like this contest. So next year I need to arrange some days off from qrl.

Arrl 2015 cw


Feb 192015

It is finaly time to take care of the field where the new towers will rise soon.
First thing is to remove a tree and to prune the other two trees.



Now I have a better view on the feild.

Now I have a better view on the feild.

Feb 192015

The new HF station is not ready. So I had to set up some temporary antennas. For 160 and 80 we have set up my old 27m high vertical. On another pole I made 2 dipoles for 80 and 40m. And I had a vertical fort 40m. This was all set up in the field and connected to the double ten switch switch is already in the field. Jan PA0VAJ and Thomas PA1M came and helped me to erect these antennas. Near the house I have a SteppIR in a crank up tower and a R8 vertical. I had to switch those from the shack. That was a bit tricky with the main switching box in the field.

Left vertical 40m. In the middle two dipoles. Right 27m tall vertical for 160 and 80m. The yagi is stowed away and hanging on one off the guy wire poles from the new towers.

Left vertical 40m. In the middle two dipoles. Right 27m tall vertical for 160 and 80m. The yagi is stowed away and hanging on one off the guy wire poles from the new towers.