
Jun 212011


After the hard disc crash from a time ago I still had to set up the rest of the programs on that pc. I had to set up again N1mm, Dx4win, Wintelnetx and the so2r box software from K1XM.
For now everything is working again.
Now I have to label al the cables so I can make quicker changes.



Jun 202011

I installed the new adsl modem witch my provider sanded me.
I got also two new switches. The old ones form Sweex gave some noise carriers on 145 Mhz. With the new switches it is silent again.

Jun 092011

In Dayton I saw something that I had never seen before.

A touch paddle for cw. I tried it and decidedto bring one home.
Today I connected the paddle to the radio.
It is a little quick but I like it.

They are also availeble with a cwkeyer build in.

For more info


Left the new Toch Paddle.  Right the Bencher.


Jun 092011

To train your cw skills in a real contest environment Don K7OG has connected two fine programs together. Most of you will know Morse runner from VE3NEA and N1MM contest logger software. Don K7OG connect these two programs together and now it is possible to improve your cw skills in a real contest with noise lids etc Also you can improve your n1mm skills. How to do it you can read on this website at projects and then n1mm and morse runner.