
Aug 012011

Today I got rid of the open feed line of on my 80m dipoles.

I made a new feed line from the rg213 feed lines. I soldered the screens together at the top and also at the bottom. This must be the same as Twin lead.  It does not move so much in the wind as the old feed line. I made also some improvement to the remote tuner which is on the ground outdoor at the bottom at the feed line.

Jul 092011

Today Thomas was here to pick up an alu tube for his new tower.
Then we went to his place to put his new Steppir in the tower.
Arjen PA7LV was also there and at the end of the day the new Steppir was on the tower.

Jul 042011

Without Johan PE9DX who is very busy to move to a new lot, Peter PA4PS and I did the contest.
Thomas PA1M and Jan PA0VAJ and on sunday Nap PA1NG helped with setting up the extra fourth tower.

Conditons where fine on 144 Mhz. We made nice distances. The contest went ok. All the equipment stayed ok.

Jun 302011

After checking several things Thomas PA1M came with the idea to change the power supply.
I bought a new one. Put it in and yes. Problem solved. The Skimmer pc is now online most of the time.


Jun 242011

After a while running Cw Skimmer server the skimmer pc stops working.
Even the main start button is not working anymore…
I am trying to find out what is happening. At thirst I thought it was overheating of the video card.
But after some extra cooling temperature is down and pc is still not happy.
I have it now running connected to the cluster and it stays up.
So probably it is something with the usb ports.