I builded a cable box half way from the house (shack) to the towers. Now it is easier to get new cables to the shack and the field.
I reconnected the 4 element Steppir witch is still in one of the versatowers. These days there is an dxpedition to Trommelin Island and I need that one for a new dxcc.
The vertical antenna R8 from Cushcraft had some damage due to a storm last year. I repaired that and stored it vertical away. So with the upcoming Trommelinn dx perdition I reconnected the antenna, but found swr was bad. I removed the balun box cleaned all the contacts and reinstalled it. I also measured that the central pin of the adapter N connector made not good contact. I replaced that also and the antenna is working again. It is the first HF antenna for the new shack.
As you possible know you could run the morse contest training program Morse Runner with N!MM classic. All you needed was N1MM , Morse Runner and a hotkey file. K7OG has made one.
With the new N1MM Logger Plus this also again possible. There is a new file available witch you have to copy in the rote of N1mm Logger Plus.
Start N1MM then start Morse runner and start the Morse runner hotkey file.
The contest you have to set up is CQWW WPX CW
The hotkey file you can find here http://n1mm.hamdocs.com/tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=5
Look for MorseRunner-N1MMLPlus.ahk
Try It.