
Feb 062015

.Today Thomas PA1M and Jan PA0VAJ where here to help me with to tousle the vertical for 160 and 80 meters. It is a temporary set up. When the towers are up I have to find the best place for this antenna.

After that was done we have also set up an little meter mast with 2 dipoles. One for 80 and one for 40 meter. All antennas are temporary and only for PACC contest 2015.

Vertical for 160 and 80 meters

Vertical for 160 and 80 meters

Jan 232015

Today I have set up the temporary vertical for 40m. In future the will be replaced by 4 verticals so I can switch directions (4 square). I have to seek for the right position for that. Fir now I need a good antenna for the PACCC contest. I put a few radials under it.

Dec 052014

During the CQWW CW I was active at the station of Feike NL11083. We used the callsign PA4PS and were active in the Multi-Multi class.
The other hams were Peter PA4PS, Jan PA0VAJ, Thomas PA1M, Arjen PA7LV and Marten PA3BNT (short time).
The antennas we used where a 3 element yagi for 20 meter, a 4 element yagi for 15 meter and a 4 element yagi for 10 meter. For 40 and 80 meters we had a dipole and a vertical. For 160m only a vertical (lots of noise on this antenna). We had lots of fun and a nice score.

Nov 122014

Today I have built the boxes with the relays for turning the towers and the box with the U links in the cabinet in the field.

2014-11-12 11.35.04

I removed the base plate out of the cabinet.

2014-11-12 11.59.41

I mounted the 2 boxes on the base plate.

2014-11-12 13.07.26

The base plate back in the cabinet. The roof had to come of to get the base plate in the cabinet.

2014-11-12 14.39.42

Danica has her own business. She is looking for mouse and mole.

2014-11-12 13.23.52

Box with relays mounted.

2014-11-12 14.41.04

Box with U links for connecting the double ten switch and stack matches to the station master deluxe mounted.

Nov 022014

Near the north west tower I installed two closets. In here I will mount the double ten switches from Microham and the switching relays for the four towers to let them turn left and right.
I got these nice boxes from a friendly ham who works at the local county. They were not used anymore and would be would be discarded.

2014-10-24 11.45.08

Mole for the concrete.

2014-11-02 14.19.50


2014-11-02 11.40.13

The base.

2014-10-25 12.30.56

Base with concrete

poured concrete

pouring concrete

2014-10-24 11.45.03

In the base I drilled four iron pipes from 3 feet in the ground to make the base more stable. Danice is checking my work.