
Jul 292024

After a while not being active with moon bounce I have now restarted activity.
I have repaired the elevation read out and automated azimuth tracking with the PST Rotator software.
I have to fine tune the receiving side of the station.



Apr 222024

To switch all the available antennas for the two HF stations Thomas PA1M and I have designed and build a new antenna switch system. All the switches are steered by MicroHAM software and hardware.
All the switches are home made by several designs. Last part off the new system is to build 6 high power bandpass filters and buy 3 triplexers. When the filters are intalled I will make the antenna cables to their exact length

Switching system

In this part the four radio have their coax entry.

In this part are the switch for each band.

Here are the U links from MicroHAM witch wil switch call the realys in the switch as also the other parts outside like stack switches relays for tuners etc.


Apr 222024

A ham radio friend who owns a drone visited me and made a nice picture with his drone.
I was a bit windy so next time he will come back and make a fly by.

Home and view of all the towers

Home and viw off al the towers

Apr 222024

Since last update of the shack I made some changes.

I added a few rotor control boxes (RT21 Green Heron) to steer the rotators in the top of the rotary towers.
I added two Meastro’s for the Flex 6600 radios’s.
I build a rack for the second HF station the same as is in use for HF and VHF station.
The last updates will finalize this part of the station.
More updates in the near future will take place outside.


Equipment VHF Station

Jan 052022





        Operating position 1 HF                                                  Operating position 2 HF


I recently bought two Flex 6600 SDR radio’s. One for VHF and one for HF. This forced me to finally reorganize my shack.
I installed it on such a way that all the equipment is easy to acces.
In previous setting the VHF station was too much apart from the rest.
There are again 3 operating positions. 1 VHF operating position and 2 HF operating positions.

VHF station

VHF operating position