Apr 302009
30-04-2009 Thomas PA1M and implementedand tested some new hardware for the vhf conetest.
25-04-2009 Went with Thomas PA1M to a shortwave listener and helped him with repairing his antennas.
One antenne will be repaired here and put back later.
15-04-2009 Made four new cables to connect a 4 way divider 144mhz pa for pi4gn.
10-04-2009 Made the gying of the eme system stronger. Replaced the temperary ropes by metel guys.
03-04-2009 Made auto tracking working with the Green Heron tracking program and the Green Heron rotor box (only azimuth)
02-03-2009 Worked 5Z4EME for new 144MHz DXCC
01-04-2009 connected the 144mhz pa to the new eme array. Wkd BX1AD for new dxcc on 144MHz EME.