May 032015

One of the GS35 amplfiers had a broken and unsave power supply. After some investigation we found out that one of the two transformers was broken.We first stripped the power supply and began from scratch  With help from Jan PA0VAJ I mounted a new transformer and made more changes.  After 2 days the new and reliable power supply is ready with 4200v.




May 032015

Spring is here and it is antenna time. Peter PA4O (Ex PA4PS) helped me with mounting a second 16 el M2 yagi in the middle versa tower. We now have 3 equal 2 meter systems for 144MHz.
A fourth is available and will be set up for the contest weekend only. This is a system with 3 clover leave antennas. This system can hear 360 degrees. The cable from the clover leave system is connected to the eme system so we can use the relays switch of the antenna. After the contest we only have to reconnect one cable and the eme system is back in business.



Ready to mount an extra yagi.

Ready to mount an extra yagi.

