Dec 302012

Today in the afternoon  Jan PA0VAJ, Peter PA4PS and Thomas PA1M came to help me to take down the EME system. We cranked the mast down a little and then we took away the 2 antennas at one side. Then we cranked it up and turned the rotor 180 degrees, cranked it down again and took away the other two antennas. The only thing I have to do now is take away the H frame.

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Dec 262012

I had already plans to replace and take down the eme system. I have to do it now a bit quicker because one of the top antennas his support has broken last night. We have schedueld it for Friday afternoon. I hope it will stay up till then…..



Dec 062012

Today I got the message that the permit for the four new hf towers is approved.I already have ordered the towers. Building will start in March 2013.

Dec 062012

The 27m high 160 meter vertical was not performimng as it has to be.
I disconected the relay box and made a few changes.
The wire from the coil to the vertical went trough an open hole in the box. I changed this and made  a Pl comnector on the box. When I was running more as 200 watt the swr became sky high. I asked Jan PA0VAJ to see what happens while I was txing. We where ready very fast. The pl connector was smoking….
After that I removed the pl conecotor and conected  the coil to the vertical with an inner part of an rg213 coax kable. I made it a bit water proof so it will last this winter contest season. Next year ever thing will change and the I wil build a better box.