Dec 222010

I installed two of the four beverage antennas. This time I used glass fiber poles instead of wooden (bamboo) poles. The glass fiber poles are used in the the army where they where used to support camougflage nets.

Dec 212010

I boxed the end transformers for the beverage antenna’s.
The transformers are from DX-Engineering. There can be water in the original box. I also saw at one transformer loose ends because of pressure on the bolts when they are installed en removed  at the end of the season.

Dec 212010

Bought a 2.5 kW generator.

Dec 202010

After I have tried several things to get CW Skimmer running on the 144 MHz computer I gave up and installed the program on the computer that belongs to the VHF-UHF desk. I redirected the coax cables to that desk en now it is working again. To connect the CW Skimmer open a Telnet session on you computer and then type:    o 7300.
Note! The o is from open not a zero!!!

Note: In Windows 7 Telnet is not standard enabled. Follow the steps below to enable it.

  1. Go to Start
  2. Select ‘Control Panel’
  3. Go to ‘Programs And Features’
  4. Go to ‘Windows features on or off’
  5. Check the ‘Telnet Client’
  6. Press the OK button

Now you can start Telnet via Command prompt and use in shortcut.

In het Nederlands (Dutch)

Noot: In Windows 7 de Telnet cliënt is niet standaard beschikbaar om het systeem veiliger te maken. Volg onderstaande stappen om Telnet aan te zetten.

  1. Ga naar Start
  2. Selecteer ‘Configuratiescherm’
  3. Selecteer ‘Programma’s’
  4. Selecteer ‘Windows -onderdelen in- of uitschakelen’
  5. Zet een vink voor ‘Telnet-cliënt’
  6. Selecteer de OK knop

Nu is Telnet beschikbaar en kan het via start worden gebruikt en in een handige snelkoppeling op het scherm.

Dec 192010

From Jan PA0VAJ i got a nice 50 ohm resistor to build a dummy load with. At qrl I found an old barrel of about 30 liters. I solderd the resistor with copper on the bottom. After that I mounted a connector at the top and it’s finished. Have to fill it up with oil and 1500 watts must be no problem.