Nov 062010

Today I went with Johan PE9DX to Apeldoorn for a ham fest. Talked a lot and had fun.
Bought some fiber poles for the beverages.
Thomas PA1M was here to help Peter PA4PS with the start up of to station for the Marconi contest contest.

Nov 052010

This weekend Peter PA4PS will do the Marconi contest here on 144mhz cw. Today I set up the station. Had trouble getting the Henry amp to run. When I started it a fuse in the main cabinet in the shack went dead.
I set a variac in front of it and started it slowly. It is running ok now.

Nov 012010

I strated right away with the repairs.
I cranked down the towers and climbed in the tower with the c31xr on it. I discovered that the bolt witch goes trough the moounting plate and the rotator pipe was broken…. So don’t say a prosistel pst 71 is not a strong rotator hi. I turned the yagi again in the right position and cut the leg of the 40m dipole witch causes the problem.
Of course it was stuck behind on of the c31xr elemnets so i had to tilt over the tower to get it off.
I repaired it and took it back up.
When I turned the yagi it moved 1cm down so the bolt is not fitting anymore. So I will wait and see what happens in high winds. Otherwise i have to try to get a new bolt in there.
As the the 144mhz tower was also in low position i moved one off the 144MHz yagis a bit to get it better aligned with the other one.
I took away the legs from the diploes that are on the land next door because the canals around it has to be cleaned.