144 MHz EME


In Ham Radio you can play around on several bands.

Two meters is the band I have started on. My passion here is DX and moonbounce. At the present time I am building a new EME station. The station will use 4 M2 XP 20 yagis. The H frame design is from Peter OZ1LPR.

I will post pictures here during the build off the new system. >

These are going into the ground to support the base.

The heart of the H-frame.

A steel pole mounted to get some height.

To be mounted into the low tower.

The base plate with the poles mounted under.

Half way in the ground.


The little tower mounted in a head unit of a Versatower (home made) up with the actuator mounted already.


The four yagis mounted in the tower.

Antenna  finished in September 2008.

After one month off use the horizontal construction failed. I removed the yagis.
In the spring off 2009 I rebuild it

Jan PA0VAJ welding the new construction.

The new constrcuction waiting to go up.

Construction up. Also the power dividers are mounted already..

I rented a sky lift to mount the yagis and the cables.

Jan mounting a yagi.

Jan aligning the yagis.

Tjhe system is working. The only thing to do is better guying the system.

A picture from the present antennas at  PA1T

2000 – 2008 (may)

PA1T’s EME array from 1999 until>present with 4 yagi’s.

After discussions with PA0JMV and VE7BQH I decided to change the system back to 4 yagi’s
The middle antennas can not work fine due to the middle part of the H construction. 1997 – 1999.

PA1T’s EME array till 12 august of 1999.

In May 1997 I mounted 6*18 el M2 yagi’s.

In August 1997 I moved to my new QTH.

Until 1996 I used 6 times 15 element Cue Dee at my parents qth.